Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


The CIBERESP consists of 48 research groups belonging to a number of different types of institutions: university hospitals, universities, Public Research Institutions (PRIs), such as Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), and research centres from the various Spanish Regions.

CIBERESP has a large workforce, employing over 600 people, consisting of CIBERESP researchers and group members as well as staff attached to CIBERESP.

CIBERESP, which is a particular subject area within the CIBER, belongs to this public consortium. It is therefore governed by a Board of Trustees and a Permanent Commission (administration and management entities) in which the institutions in the consortium participate.

The organisational structure is made up of Scientific Management which, together with the Steering Committee, coordinates the activity of the various Research Programmes. The Technical Unit provides the administrative support required to run the CIBER.